The new far-right

 Full News about Bolsonaro's fansThe election of Bolsonaro returned the discussion about the far-right movement in South-America, it don’t is a new topic on the region because between 60s and 70s existed many dictatorships that were had for function destroy the socialists and popular processes, where the people was the most important of the country’s project but with the arrived of dictatorships on different country, for example Chile, Brazil, Argentina, this processes was finished and the new country’s project was the integration to global order: the capitalist and the economic growth, no matter the well-being of the people even they killed many people (Victoriano, 2010).  In the years after of dictatorships, the people and governments recognized all damage that this processes caused on the community security and confidence in other persons.

With the election of Bolsonaro again the community confidence, tolerance and the citizen coexistence are threatened for the same people that think that the dictatorships was a most better thing that can happened because it avoided the communism, so now all the new right like homosexual marriage, social political or the abortion are the enemies of the far-right because they think that this issues has corrupted the life’s correct, this idea have a link with the religion because the most part of this people are catholic or evangelical.  So I think that it is unacceptable because the state must be a secular, in other words, the discussion about the political thing must be about the things, don’t about the religious ideas or the religious moral, the state must think in the people, in their well-being and promote the tolerance, not think if God can get angry.
