The idea about a favorite social network is some weird for my, because I created facebook, instagram or whatsapp for recommendation of my friends, but at less time I deleted it for that I don’t used it. So, I have become used it for my friends used much more this social network. However, if I have must choose a social network, it would be instagram, principally because in this social network you can see incredible photographic of many place, so it was like to visit it. Also you can search design for drawn or be tattooed, and this is the most important because I love the tattoo, however I don’t have and in instragram you can find many famous artist with styles amazing like realistic, classic, Japanese, minimalist, etc. How you will observe I used instagram for see many thing but not really for upload my photographic, neither matter me the number of followers that i have or if the people look my contents and liked it. I think that the social network will can fun, but doesn't are you real life and you must have keep it in your mind when you use the social network

Adrian Bascur's tattoo. He is a Chilean artist. 


  1. I agree that social networks will can fun! Also its a very beautiful tattoo. As they say around there: "If it´s Chilean it´s good! jajaja

  2. WoW, I actually follow in Instagram a lot of artist that makes "tinny tattoos".


  3. i think that instagram are very usefull for the things that you said you used it, like see places or artistics photos, and also see memes haha, but like you said its very important to live in real life more than in the social media, because theres is a lot of people that make all of crazy and not soo good things to have more likes in their profiles.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I also think that instagram can be very fun, you can see many cute or beautiful things. (Beautiful tattoo by the way )

  6. I think that instagram are very usefull for watch only photos when you don't watch other information as texts or news. In instagram you can search beautiful pitures of places, people or artistic pictures


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