My future Job

Today in this post, i got to talk about my career expectations. I think that is weird in this system that always we must think in that will be of us in the future because would happen anything in the world that it can to destroy your way of live. Well after this introduction, I will to expect of the future work in a school as educational psychology principally and I would like that can work with other model of education where the mark doesn’t the important for show that you had learn the subject and the link with student will be value. I know that it is so difficult in the short time but I expect can contribute to change the model of education. For this objective I want to do a major program about the educational psychology but also participate of educational community places because the way of understand the education in both is so different. About the salary I don’t know and neither have think it, but like everyone I want to live life in tranquility without worry me for the money.  However how i write in the start of this post always you must have a second plan, I think that if I don’t be an educational psychology may be a clinic psychology and work in the public health’s system but about this idea I have not though so much so hopefully will not necessary.


  1. I agree with you, marks doesn't matter always in education. You have good ideas for your future job, i think that you will be a great educational psychologist. PD: nice intro


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